Regional representative
(Joint representatives)
Viktor Pal
University of Helsinki, FinlandEmail: viktor.pal@helsinki.fi
Tuomas Rasanen
University of Turku, FinlandEmail: turasa@utu.fi
What’s new in the Nordic Region?
PhD course: Environmental and Climate History: The Role of History in Society
See also the Facebook event of the course
The ESEH Tallinn 2019 conference was a huge success and the entire Nordic environmental historians community would like to express a big thank you to the local organizing committee! A lot of content from the conference is available also online, e.g. the great key note presentation of Prof. Kate Brown.
- Call for participants: ESEH 2025 Summer School in Environmental History
- ESEH Call for Nominations
- Seminar “Multispecies City: diversity, communication, conflicts”
- CfP: ICOHTEC’s annual symposium in July 2018
- Job announcement: Postdoc at the University of Oulu, Finland
- Job: Post-doc at KTH in Stockholm
- CfP: EASLCE/NIES Conference 2014
Latest news
- Call for participants: ESEH 2025 Summer School in Environmental History
- Call for Papers for the Conference “Bodies and Environments in the Early Modern World” (9-10 June 2025, Manchester)
- The National Archives, Kew, England: A User’s Perspective
- Call for Applications to Host the ESEH Conference 2027
- CfP: 13th Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Conference. NEW DEADLINE: 15 Nov!