The past decade has seen the emergence and rapid growth of a new field of inquiry: the environmental humanities (EH). From the scholarly ‘turns’ of the humanities in the 1990s and 2000s and the increasing demand on science and scholarship to face global challenges, a broad gathering of humanities disciplines emerged and fostered this field.
Now encompassing a number of highly visible academic journals, book series from acclaimed academic publishers, and broader outreach opportunities, environmental humanities have reached a critical moment when it is relevant to convene for a larger meeting. This international conference will continue to experiment, envision and set out future directions for environmental humanities research and teaching, and strengthen their intersections with the social sciences, arts, technology, and the sciences.
The primary purpose of STREAMS is to invite diverse communities of EH practitioners to come together to share work, advance ideas, and craft new imaginaries that can shape present and future transformations. These aims are especially important in the current moment when it seems impossible to imagine or pursue alternatives to the multiple socio-ecological crises taking place around the world.
Who Will Participate?
EH developed as a broad and experimental field of perspectives and practices within academia and beyond. We welcome researchers, artists, activists, writers, filmmakers, journalists, practitioners, policy-makers, and scientists—everyone who wishes to contribute in shaping pathbreaking, indeed undisciplined, imaginaries for the transformative environmental humanities of tomorrow. In order to address a growing concern about academic travel, the conference will provide opportunities for remote participation through featured talks, e-conferencing (e.g. Zoom meetings), or other kinds of virtual interactions. In the tradition of the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory´s commitment to societal engagement, the programme will also include public events co-organized with activists and open to a wider public.
There will be a limited number of travel grants. Please include in your submission a statement requesting the grant. Specify also whether your participation requires financial support or not.
There are three ranges for conference fees – each participant is requested to self-assess her economic capabilities.
- Basic fee (for non-funded participants, eg partially funded PhD students, independent scholars): 80 euros
- Regular fee: 170 euros
- Supporting fee: 270 euros
The fee includes participation in all sessions and events (excluding excursions and post conference activities), access to abstracts, internet service, and refreshments.
We look forward to your contribution and to see you in Stockholm in August 2020!
Submit contributions to: contributions.streamsconference@kth.se.
Deadline for contributions: October 15 & November 30th, 2019.
Marco Armiero
Sabine Höhler
Sverker Sörlin
Johan Gärdebo
Conference Coordinator: streamsconference@kth.se.
Latest news
- Call for participants: ESEH 2025 Summer School in Environmental History
- Call for Papers for the Conference “Bodies and Environments in the Early Modern World” (9-10 June 2025, Manchester)
- The National Archives, Kew, England: A User’s Perspective
- Call for Applications to Host the ESEH Conference 2027
- CfP: 13th Biennial European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) Conference. NEW DEADLINE: 15 Nov!