The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) is pleased to announce a call for proposals to organize the 2024 ESEH Summer School Environmental History.
The ESEH Summer School is a prestigious annual gathering of post-graduate and early-career researchers, led by leading academics in a field of environmental history. Recent Summer Schools have investigated Commons, Climate, and (an-)Hydrous environments – more information on these can be found here: Summer Schools – European Society for Environmental History .
The selected proposal will receive the advisory support of the ESEH Summer Schools committee. With reference to the ESEH constitution, the committee will provide the organizers assistance in raising funds, setting the programme and finding appropriate teaching staff. The Summer School will also be supported with a total of 500 EUR, and will be advertised on the ESEH website as well as through the president newsletter. The selected committee will also have the right and obligation to use the ESEH logo in announcements, flyers and websites related to the selected summer school. Please attach to your application a plan for external funding.
To apply, please fill in the application form (as detailed below), and return it to the Summer School Committee Chair, Dr. Omer Aloni (at, by 31 March 2024. We expect to notify all applicants of the outcome of their application by the end of April. Applications will be judged on the basis of the guidelines below.
Guidelines for applicants:
1. Applications must be made using the application form.
2. Whilst we welcome applications with interdisciplinary content, Summer Schools must have a focus in environmental history.
3. Applicants are encouraged to consider focussing on a variety of geographical areas, both within and beyond Europe.
4. In order to achieve the objectives of the ESEH, Summer Schools must be international. They cannot be limited to scholars from one country or language group, and should in principle be open to all, including scholars from beyond Europe, and with reference to equality and diversity. Instructions should be in English to facilitate this.
5. Summer Schools should be targeted at PhD students, but should also be open to Masters students and early career researchers without a permanent or tenure-track position.
6. The duration, size, and scope of the Summer School is at the discretion of local organizers.
7. Summer schools should be free to participants, including both accommodation and subsistence. We encourage proposers to also consider the cost of travel for participants in their applications.
8. Summers Schools are expected to provide a final report that can be published (or linked to) on the ESEH website.
9. We recognise that confirmed ESEH support can be helpful in obtaining funding. For this reason, applications will be eligible even if they are yet to secure planned further funding. However, proposals will only be successful if the funding is highly likely to be secured in the near future.
10. We encourage applications from smaller European countries, and in relevant circumstances, it is the sole direction of the Committee to promote diversity and equality in accordance with the general with the general aims of the ESEH.
The ESEH Summer Schools Committee is keen to offer advice on proposals prior to submission on any issues, including the above. We particularly encourage potential organizers to approach the committee to discuss topics and potential academic staff. Questions and any other issue will be welcomed by the Committee (
New Deadline: 31 March 2024!
Application Form: Application Form_ 2024 ESEH Summer School in Environmental History