Announcement: ESEH 12th OGM Thu. 24 Aug. 2023

12th ESEH Ordinary General Meeting 2023
Thursday, 24 August 2023 at 16:30-18:00 (CEST), at the ESEH conference in the University of Berne (room S003)

The Board of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) announces the following agenda for the next Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of ESEH.

The OGM will be held in hybrid format: The link to participate in remote, voting schedule and details will be announced later on our website.

All ESEH members are encouraged to attend. Please log in with your full name so that screenshots can serve as the obligatory attendance list.**


  1. Opening ​​of ​​the ​​meeting​​ by ​​the​​ President
  2. Presentation​​ of ​​Minutes ​​of ​​the ​​11 th ​​Ordinary ​​General Meeting,​​ online,​ 9 July 2021
  3. President’s​ ​report ​​on ​​the ​​development​ ​of ​​ESEH
  4. Report ​​by ​​the ​​Chair​ ​of ​​the ​​Council​ ​of ​​Regional​​ Representatives
  5. Treasurer’s ​​report ​​on ​​budget ​​2021-2023
    5a. Vote on membership fees
  1. Report ​​by ​​the ​​Financial ​​Control ​​Committee
    6a. Discharge ​​of ​​the ​​​​Board ​​and ​​outgoing Regional Representatives
  1. Report ​​by ​​the ​​Nomination​ ​Committee
    7a. Presentation of the candidates*
    7b. Voting instructions for online ballot**
  1. Announcement of the winners of the ESEH awards


* For candidates‘ CVs and statements, as well as account and budget synopses etc, see

** The vote will occur online via Surveymonkey, every financial member of the Society will automatically get a link to vote during the week before, combined with the ballot schedule. Regarding your current state of membership cf. email(s) you received from the treasurer in July, belated payments which entitle to vote in 2023 must be effected before July 29th.

  1. All payments of membership fees enabling to vote at the OGM 2023 must be issued before 29 July
  2. All financial members who did not receive an email from the treasurer in the first half of July 23 shall contact him from their email address they suggest for the online voting procedure

15 July 2023