CfC: Environmental History Today! ESEH On-Line Seminar Series

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 Call for contributions:

Environmental History Today! ESEH On-Line Seminar Series


While we cannot gather in person yet, ESEH is launching an on-line seminar series this spring. Interested to present your research? Send us your idea… Program will be announced in a few weeks.


Spring 2021 will see most researchers around the globe still working at home. For more than a year now, the global health crisis has disrupted our research and livelihoods, but also allowed us to discover new ways of communicating research, many of them more open, inclusive and global than ever before.


Between March and May, ESEH, the European Society for Environmental History, is hosting an on-line seminar series, open to everyone, and giving environmental historians an opportunity to present part of their ongoing research to the wider research community. There is no limitation with regard to topic or region.


We welcome contributions from both more experienced and emerging scholars, and especially invite PhD-students in the last year of their PhD-trajectory and/or post-doctoral scholars to present their research. The seminar series will be organized as on-line (Zoom/Teams/…) 60 minute seminar, with 30-40 minutes presentations followed by Q&A.


The program will be announced Early March, with further information on registration.


Interested to present part of your research to the global community of environmental historians? Please send a title, short abstract and short bio to before 25th of February.


Spread the call, keep well and see you all soon!


(Photo : Sarah Johnson : The ESEH Polar Bear swimmers,