For some time now, the Spanish University Network for Environmental History (RUEDHA), within the HUM 952 STAND Group, has been holding biannual meetings with the aim of promoting an ongoing dialogue between researchers in the Iberian Peninsula on the working agenda of Environmental History. After the last meeting in Granada in 2022, we are once again convening researchers from different areas and fields who are interested in the study of the relationship that human societies and nature have had throughout history. Our aim is to continue with the existing work agenda but to open the space for collaboration with new groups and emerging research topics. We therefore invite researchers from these interdisciplinary fields to lead the sessions and give continuity to the research in the future.
RUEDHA is a meeting point for researchers in the field of Environmental History open to the presence, participation and dialogue with emerging and consolidated proposals from territories and teams from Europe, America and the rest of the world.
We are committed to holding a face-to-face meeting at the University of Granada, not excluding, in exceptional situations, virtual formats for the presentation of the various forms of participation.
Thematic lines of the IV RUEDHA Symposium
Proposals will be received in the following thematic lines, which are referential and do not exclude the presentation of proposals in other lines related to environmental history and other socio-environmental epistemologies.
Methodologies for environmental history
- Environmental history and the history of science and medicine
- Urban environmental history and urban ecology
- Histories of water (rivers, seas, appropriation, industry)
- Political ecology, environmental conflicts and extractivisms
- War and nature
- Agroecology, ethnoecology and biocultural heritage
- Ecological economics and social metabolism
- Energy transitions and climate change mitigation
- Ecofeminisms
- Historical climatology
Ways to participate
In general, participation will be in person or online (non-hybrid) in the event in the various forms with the limitations of the Organising Entity’s platforms.
- Panels: with a maximum of 5 papers per session of 100 minutes. Panels can have up to 2 sessions (maximum 10 papers).
- Roundtables: in a roundtable, a group of academics (usually no more than 5) discuss topics/issues of general academic interest in front of (and subsequently with) an audience during a single 100-minute session. Although a roundtable may include short provocations/presentations (5-10 minutes), the main idea is to create a lively debate, not to focus on a single speaker. However, roundtables can also be open-ended, accepting proposals for provocations/presentations during the call for papers, from which participants are selected after the call for papers has ended.
- Workshops: Workshops are conceived as practical events involving collective research activities, guided interactions and free-form exchanges leading to specific public outcomes. A workshop can have up to two 105-minute sessions.
Instructions for submission of proposals
Panels and Round Tables with papers (a maximum of 15 Thematic Tables will be accepted by the Scientific Committee).
Title of the panel
- Coordinator(s) and institution(s) to which they belong
- E-mail address
- Thematic line
- Suggested moderator (optional)
- 300-500 word summary of the table
- List of papers, with details of each, as follows
- Thematic Proposal
- Author(s) and institution(s) to which they belong
- E-mail address
- Thematic line
- Abstract of 300-500 words.
Presentation of books
- Title of book
- Date of publication and publisher
- Author(s) and institution(s) to which they belong
- E-mail address
- A sample of the book, including cover and table of contents
Languages: papers will be accepted in English, Portuguese, Catalan, Basque or Galician as long as the speaker can communicate in the common language of the symposium, which will be Spanish.
All proposals will be sent by email to
Timetable and important dates
Submission of proposals for Panels, Round Tables and Workshops, book presentations: until 15 January 2024.
Notification of acceptance 10 February 2024
Publication of final Programme: 28 February 2024
Organising Committee
Antonio Ortega Santos (UGR)
Alejandro Bonada Chavarría (UGR)
Adriana Guadarrama (UGR)
Leida Fernández Prieto (CSIC-Instituto de Historia)
Pablo Corral Broto (Universidad de la Reunión)
Maria Antònia Martí Escayol (UAB)
Santiago Gorostiza (Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po)
Judit Gil Farrero (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Juan Infante Amate (UGR)
Helios Escalante Moreno (UGR)
Luis Sánchez Vazquez (UCO)
Chiara Olvieri (UGR)
Scientific Committee
Marco Armiero (UAB)
Ana Roque (Universidad de Lisboa)
Joana Gaspar da Freitas (Universidad Nova de Lisboa)
Paulo Guimaraes (Universidad de Evora, Portugal)
Raquel Neyra (Universidad Agraria La Molina, Perú)
Victoria Aragón (Universidad de Granada)
Adrián Gustavo Zarrilli (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina)
Lucrecia Wagner (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina)
Facundo Rojas (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina)
David Soto Fernández (Universidad Santiago de Compostela)
Andrés Sánchez Picón (Universidad Almería)
José Miguel Lana Berasain (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
Iñaki Iriarte Goñi (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Lourenzo Fernández Prieto (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Juan Diego Pérez Cebada (Universidad de Huelva)
John McNeill (Universidad de Georgetown)