Seminar 1: From the American Steppes to Białowieża Primeval Forest.
Book launches David Moon & Tomasz Samojlik / Anastasia Fedotova
(30 March 2021)
Seminar 2: Portuguese Environmental History
Flying sands, weather, rivers and plants in a comparative perspective
(08 April 2021)
Seminar 3: ASEH Environmental History Week
A more-than-human history of the (de)peasantisation of the páramos around Bogotá, Colombia.
(20 April 2021)
Seminar 4: Environmental History meets Political Ecology & STS
Sam Grinsell and Matthew Plishka
(29 April 2021)
Seminar 5: Blue Infrastructures: Natural History, Political Ecology and Urban Development in Kolkata
Book launch Jenia Mukherjee
(11 May 2021)
Seminar 6: Cultural perspectives on the Environmental History of the United States
Stéphanie Denève and Erik Wallenberg
(20 May 2021)
Seminar 7: Green Internationalists: Nordic Environmental Cooperation, 1967-1988
Melina Antonia Buns
(1 June 2021)
Seminar 8: The Environmental History of the Alps
Book Launches Wilko Graf von Hardenberg / Žiga Zwitter & Leonid Rasran
(10 June 2021)
Seminar 9: River Monsters at Metz: Hybridity and the Medieval Environmental Imagination
Ellen Arnold
(22 June 2021)