We encourage proposals that explore the general theme from various environmental history perspectives, such as:
- Environment in areas of contact among states, economic systems, cultures and religions
- Environmental history of post-socialist countries of Eastern Europe
- Environment shared among cultures: spatial and temporal dimension
- Environmental history of borders and borderland areas
- Environmental history of the Mediterranean
- Urban environmental history
- Forest history
- Industrial and post-industrial environmental history
- Production, consumption and waste: commodity chains in environmental history
- Cultural values and economic interests: retrospective environmental analyses
- Theories and methods in environmental history
The conference covers all periods and all areas of the globe. In keeping with a cherished tradition of the field, the conference is open to scholars from all disciplines and backgrounds. We especially encourage submissions from graduate students who will be offered a special reduced fee. The conference language is English; no submissions in other languages will be accepted. All proposals will be reviewed by a scientific committee.
All proposals should be submitted through our online submission system (see links under each submittal type). The deadline for submittals has already passed (1 October 2016).
Questions about proposals should be directed to the Programme Committee chair through the email conference@eseh.org.
*Note—due to a limited number of sessions, individual scholars can only submit in one category (paper, roundtable, or poster) though individuals can appear as chair (not commenter) of a second session. This is to ensure diversity and breadth of participation. Additional clarification: you may be a non-presenting co-author on additional papers or posters without restriction.
Proposals will be accepted in the following categories:
1. Sessions
Sessions will usually consist of three to four papers, not more than 20 minutes each. Other formats (debate panels, roundtables) should be submitted under the Roundtable or Experimental session categories.Session proposals will include a session title and session abstract of 200-300 words; list of contributors and a chair; and individual paper titles and abstracts of 200-300 words each. Session proposal may also include a commentator/discussant in place of the fourth paper. Nevertheless, all sessions should include sufficient time for general discussion.
2. Individual papers
Contributors may also submit individual papers of max. 20 minutes, which will be combined into sessions of three to four papers in case of acceptance. However, scholars should take note that the scientific committee has a certain preference for session submissions, and that it cannot guarantee thematic coherence for the resulting sessions. Paper proposals are to consist of an abstract of 200-300 words.
3. Roundtables
Scholars can also propose 90-minute roundtables, which differ in form and goal from regular paper sessions. Roundtables are panels ranging from 3-6 people and a chair who speak to a common question or theme. Successful roundtables involve interaction between the panelists, the active involvement of the chair in shaping the conversation, and ample time for the audience to interact with the panel and pose questions.
4. Posters
Poster proposals will include an abstract of 200-300 words. Poster session will have a designated area for display, but a special plenary session will held for all authors of posters to present their research in 2 minutes time per poster. The Environment & History Poster Prize sponsored by The White Horse Press is awarded to the best poster (€100 award) and the 2nd place poster (€50 award).
5. Experimental sessions
We welcome proposals for non-conventional sessions through which proponents wish to experiment with creative formats, such as hands-on workshops, tool demonstrations, and open discussion forums. To submit a proposal for an experimental session, please provide a 300-400 word abstract, describing in details the activity. Please include in the proposal any special logistic request you might need.
In addition, conference participants are invited to submit items in two other categories: photographs and movies.
An exhibition of photographs taken by ESEH 2017 participants will be held during the conference. All participants are invited to send max. two of their photographs in digital format (max size 10 Mb, approximately 300 dpi) encapsulating one of the main themes of the conference listed in the conference statement session. A short description of each photograph (up to 100 words) should be provided also. The organizing committee will carefully select the best photographs and a special venue will be provided for the exhibition. Please send your photos to eseh2017photo@gmail.com
All participants are invited to suggest a movie title (a documentary, a short feature, a regular TV movie, an interesting YouTube clip etc.) dealing with one or more topics of the conference, a movie they believe could be interesting to other participants and the wider audience. After selecting several titles, the organizers will contact its distributors and try to organize a “Green Movie Soirée” during the conference where a selection of movies will be displayed. We encourage film-makers to propose their movies for this event. Send suggestions to eseh2017photo@gmail.com.