Call for dissertation abstracts
Academic visibility is important these days, for untenured early career scholars especially. Yet, activities such as presenting and conferences and publishing articles are at times difficult to reconcile with finishing a dissertation. ESEH-NEXTGATe recognizes this predicament and wants to create a central platform for PhD candidates in the field of environmental history to inform the larger research community about their work and their research interest: an ESEH dissertation database, linked to and accessible through the ESEH website.
We therefore encourage all PhD candidates and new-fledged doctors who started or defend their dissertations during the last five years (2014–2019), to send:
- a 350-word abstract (in English) of their dissertation project including the title, main research questions and, if available, the main findings, the language of the dissertation, and the names of their supervisors*;
- 5 related keywords (tags)*;
- their place and institute of research*;
- defense date (if applicable);
- URL to full text (if applicable)
to nextgate.diss@gmail.com, using “dissertation abstract” as the subject line.
Next to an increased visibility, the dissertation database will facilitate cooperation among early career scholars and will encourage more senior scholars in the environmental humanities to co-publish or co-organize events with some of their younger colleagues. We therefore ask all supervisors and other senior scholars to spread the word and to support PhD candidates in submitting a summary of their research.
We welcome not only dissertations that are written strictly within environmental history but also interdisciplinary dissertational projects that examine aspects of environmental, technological, economic, political, and cultural history.
Even though European scholars are our main audience, the database is open to all environmental humanities scholars. With a broad, international scope, we hope to strengthen the links between European, Asian, African, Latin and North American and other scholars.
We are looking forward to your submissions!
(Viktor Pal, Roberta Biasillo, Elena Kochetkova, Tayler Meredith, Simone Schleper, Erin Spinney)
*Only submissions which adhere to the word limit and include these three pieces of information can be included in the database.
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