The ANR project GOVENPRO (“Governing the environment: historical perspectives on socio-environmental property systems. Late 18th century-present, Europe, the U.S.A, the colonial and post-colonial worlds”) is calling for applications for
A 12-month post-doctoral fellowship, based in Paris, 1 October 2016-30 September 2017
Applicants must, as of 1 October 2016, possess a Ph.D. in history, legal history, history of science and technology, historical sociology or historical anthropology
Project GOVENPRO is funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche. It is based on a consortium between the research units CRH (Centre de Recherches Historiques) (EHESS-CNRS) and PALOC (IRD-Muséum d’histoire naturelle). An overview of the project may be found at the GOVENPRO website.
The applicant’s proposed research project should directly concern the historical study of interactions between the environment and property. Its topic should also be situated within the spatial and chronological perimeter of Project GOVENPRO, namely the period between the late 18th century and the present; in Europe, the United States and colonial and post-colonial territories.
Illustrative examples of possible topics: history of concession practices (mines, public domain) in metropolitan and/or (post)colonial contexts; history of public policy to protect mountain, forest, coastal areas by public ownership and property regulation; history of private protected areas; ownership and sovereignty over oil and gas resources; environmental commons and socio-ecological effects of private enclosures; “conservation enclosures”; ownership, resources and environment on the interface between colonial and customary law; history of contemporary ways of appropriating environments (e.g., intellectual property rights in living matter) seen in a long-term historical perspective; history of farmland consolidation and its socio-ecological dimensions; history of specific ways of appropriating so-called “strategic” resources in time of peace and/or open conflict.
The proposal may be written in either French or English.
Open to applicants of any nationality. Due to the international nature of the project, a good level in English is required.
As part of the post-doctoral contract the successful applicant will be given a number of organisational tasks to fulfil in preparation for the project’s international summer school in early September 2017.
The successful applicant will also take part in the team’s various academic activities (seminar, workshops, conferences).
Stipend: 1908 euros/month (less than 3 years after the PhD in October 2016) or 2340 euros/month (more than 3 years after the PhD in October 2016)
Applications must include a curriculum vitae (with list of publications), a research project (max. 750 words) and an article or book chapter (or thesis section).
The documents should be emailed to postdoc.govenpro@gmail.com.
Closing date for applications is 1 June 2016
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